Sunday, December 11, 2011

Soliloquy #5 Act 3 scene 1

To Be thus is nothing. 

But to be safely thus.--Our fears in Banquo
Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature
Reigns  that which would be fear'd: 'tis much he dares;
And, to that dauntless temper of his mind, 
He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour
To act in safety. There is none but he
Whose being I do fear: and, under him,
My Genius is rebuked; as, it is said,
Mark Antony's was by Caesar. He chid the sisters
When first they put the name of king upon me,
And bade them speak to him: 
then prophet-like  
They hail'd him father to a line of kings:
Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown,
And put a barren sceptre in my gripe,
Thence to be wrench'd with an unlineal hand,
No son of mine succeeding. If 't be so,
For Banquo's issue have I filed my mind;
For them the gracious Duncan have I murder'd;
Put rancours in the vessel of my peace
Only for them; and mine eternal jewel
Given to the common enemy of man,
To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings!
Rather than so, come fate into the list.
And champion me to the utterance! 

To be this is nothing, but to be safely this. I fear Banquo, and that he will have royal sons. He is daring, and thinks all of the time, he has wisdom that guides him safely. I fear no one except Banquo. When I am around him my guardian is scared, as Mark Antony's was afraid of Caesar. Banquo got angry at the witches when they told me I would be king. He begged them to tell is future. Prophet-like they told him he would be the father to a line of kings. They had given me a crown that I couldn't pass onto my children (They told me I would be king but my children wouldn't). If it was true, Banquo's children will take my place in royalty instead of my own. If it is true, then I have killed Duncan for Banquo's children, and put my conscience out of peace for them. I handed my soul to the devil for Banquo's children to be kings. Rather than this happen, i will fight for my sons to be king. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Soliloquy #4. Act 2, scene 1.

Is this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
I see thee yet, in form as palpable
As this which now I draw.
Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going;
And such an instrument I was to use.
Mine eyes are made the fools o' the other senses,
Or else worth all the rest; I see thee still,
And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood,
Which was not so before. There's no such thing:
It is the bloody business which informs
Thus to mine eyes. Now o'er the one half-world
Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse
The curtain'd sleep; witchcraft celebrates
Pale Hecat's off'rings; and wither'd Murder,
Alarum'd by his sentinel, the wolf,
Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace,
With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design
Moves like a ghost. Thou sure and firm-set earth,
Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear
Thy very stones prate of my whereabout,
And take the present horror from the time,

Which now suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives:
Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.

A bell rings.

I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.
Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or to hell.

Do I see a dagger in front of me? Its handle is towards my hand. Let me hold it, Im not holding it, but I still see it. Is my vision off, am I able to touch it and see it? Or are you a hallucination of a dagger, from a fevered mind? I see it, as I see my dagger (He's holding his dagger up to the hallucination). You're pointing me the way I was going, and you are what I am going to use ( pointing to Duncan's bedroom, going to kill him with that dagger) 

My eyes are now weak compared to my other senses, if not are as good as the rest of my senses. I see the dagger still, and now on the blade is drenched in blood, which was not there before. There's no such thing. I am seeing what the blade will look like after I kill Duncan.

The world will be half of what it is, nature seems dead, and nightmares waken you from your sleep. Witchcraft will come from the goddess of magic. The wolves will howl an alarm who are keeping watch. Tarquin's enchanting strides towards him, moves like a ghost. I beg that the Earth does not hear my steps, or know where I'm going. I fear that the stones can speak and know where I am, and take the silence in the dead of night. While I'm thinking about killing him, he's alive, speaking of killing him makes me not want to kill him anymore. I'll go to kill him, so it will be done, the bell invites me. Don't hear the bell Duncan, for it is the death bell that will take you to heaven or to hell.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Soliloquy # 3 Act 1 Scene 7.

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly: if the assassination
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch
With his surcease success; that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'ld jump the life to come. But in these cases
We still have judgment here; that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague the inventor: this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredience of our poison'd
Chalice To our own lips. He's here in double trust;
First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,
Who should against his murderer shut the door,
Not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan
Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been
So clear in his great office, that his virtues
Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against
The deep damnation of his taking-off; 20
And pity, like a naked new-born babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubin, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself
And falls on th'other.

If I have to kill him, it's better that it's done quickly. If the assasination could prevent all the consequences, then it will be-all and end-all. But here in this time we would skip our after life. In this case we still have judgment, we are taught to kill by the king, and are being taught to kill the king. This even justice praises the quality of our poison we are about to drink (Justice would think it's good that we are about to kill Duncan. That Macbeth deserves to be king, that the king's death would be justice for any wrong-doings Duncan did.) I am stuck in a difficult place, I am trusted by the king in two ways at this point, first as his kinsman and a subject of his ruling power, any other person like me would be against killing him. Second, I am his host, who should protect the King of a killer, not be the killer myself. Duncan has made his power so weak, has been so clear in his ruling that his courage will plead like strong angels against the killing. Will make us feel pity, like a new born baby. The news of killing the king will be spread around to everyone like it was floating in the wind, and that tears will stop the wind. I have no reason to kill the king (Nothing against him) only my ambition to be king myself, which overpowers any reason and falls on the other side of wanting to be king myself.

In this he is making the decision to kill the king because he wants to be king, not for any dislike for the king.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Looking At Emotion

emotions venture to an upbeat state
a smile upon your sun struck mouth
rosy cheeks and eyes so bright
one to other and back again

empty, emotionless, lost in space
mouth is straight and boring
eyes are dazed and start to close
others can not change it.

broken feelings flooding fast
tongue is dry and chin is shaking
flowing eyes filled with pain
one could have produced this.

quick is blame and always nasty
loud mouth words are spewing
eyebrows arched an evil way
others give and receive it.

Alone analysis

From childhood's hour I have not been

As others were; I have not seen

As others saw; I could not bring

My passions from a common spring.

From the same source I have not taken

My sorrow; I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone;

And all I loved, I loved alone.

Then- in my childhood, in the dawn

Of a most stormy life- was drawn

From every depth of good and ill

The mystery which binds me still:

From the torrent, or the fountain,

From the red cliff of the mountain,

From the sun that round me rolled

In its autumn tint of gold,

From the lightning in the sky

As it passed me flying by,

From the thunder and the storm,

And the cloud that took the form

(When the rest of Heaven was blue)

Of a demon in my view.

Alone - isolated, unique, solitary, unequaled. This has meaning to what is in the poem. During Edgar's childhood, he had to deal with many different challenges. I think what started all of the hardships was his parents dieing when before he turned three. From there, he was made to live with a tobacco merchant, and his siblings had went to live somewhere else. His brother died at an early age where he would have became a poet. This is just the start of the terrible things that happen to Edgar Allan Poe.

In my childhood, I wasn't like the others, I didn't have the same views as the other children. We didn't have any common passions or interests. I didn't feel sad or happy the same way they did. No one loved what I loved. The beginning of my childhood was the start of my terrible life. What happened later in my childhood (not fitting in) was drawn from good and bad. It's a mystery that I still don't understand. I don't understand the heavy rain or fountains, how there's a red cliff on the mountain, the sun rolls across my sky, how it looks like gold in the fall. How lightning flies through the sky, and how a demon(hardship/challenge) was placed before me when the other part of my life was alright (before my parents died).

Edgar Allan Poe Biography

Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809. In this time period many countries were fighting for independence such as Mexico, Greece, Chile, and Peru. When Edgar Allan Poe was no more than three his parents had died and he was made to live with a tobacco merchant in Richmond. Poe's two siblings had went to live with other families. His sister became a school teacher and his brother was a poet until his early death. He went to a school while living in England for five years. At just 13 he had enough poems to publish a book but was advised against it. He moved back to america with the Allans from 1821-1825. 
In 1826 he went to Virginia University, but was overcome with debt. He took up gambling to try to win money back but ended up losing most of his money.  He was so in debt that he burned his furniture to keep warm. He purposely failed out of university and went back home. He had a fight with John Allen because Edgar claimed he didn't give him enough money for university expenses. Allen was upset with Edgar because he spent all of his money gambling. When Edgar got to Richmond, he realized that when he was away his fiancée married another man. He then enlisted in the army in 1827. France Allan dies in 1829. Edgar is discharged from the army a month after her death.  He moves to Baltimore and lives with his aunt and her daughter in 1831. Edgar falls in love with her daughter ( his 13 year old cousin, Virginia) and marries her in 1836. In 1834, John Allan dies, and leaves Edgar out of his will.  In 1847, his wife dies, and he becomes ill. 1849, he gets engaged to the same women that married another man in his absence. He dies the same year, after he is found delirious and unconscience in Baltimore. 

After Edgar meets his cousin he publishes the poem " To Helen". To Helen talks about how beautiful a women is, this could be referring to Virginia, or his aunt who took him in when he was so poor. The poem "Annabel Lee" could be thought to be about Virginia and her death. It's about a young love and about how a cool wind came in and killed her. Edgar and Virginia fell in love when they were young, and Edgar married Virginia when she was 13. This is seen in his poem "Annabel Lee". 

Monday, November 21, 2011

#1PoetryAssignment-Inching Closer to the Assumed Truth

Stepping across the unreal river
grass has never made this home
time will pass and grow to falter
child's play is still anew

What can bring this to a norm
to make this not the same
not for pageant or for fair
just to let then go

Unknown faces make their way
through realized dreams they had.
seems still waiting for the time
making it unfold

Hurry now as time will fade
now is in a fresh new sight
finding only shelter will
increase their fame

Making shadows on the wall
imagine they can speak
for as you know they are to you
more real than the river

If time will falter
and dreams be made
hope will reach there soon
but until now they never knew
its just a game to play

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Soliloquoy #2. Act 1, scene 5

The raven himself is hoarse  
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan 40 
Under my battlements. Come, you spirits 
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full  
Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;  
Stop up the access and passage to remorse, 
The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,
And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers,  
Wherever in your sightless substances 50 
You wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, 
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, 
 That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,  
 Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,  
 To cry 'Hold, hold!'
Even the birds are sore and croak because they know Duncan is going to die in my castle. Some spirits and fill me with cruelty I need to be able to kill the king. Make me tough, stop myself from feeling remorse and guilt. That nature's guilt can not make me not want to do what I intend or put guilt between the murder and the consequences.  Murdering ministers, make my woman breast milk parasitic. You wait for mischief. I wait for night, make my murder's knife not see what it murders or let heaven look at what I do and tell me to stop.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Trip to The Zoo - A Child's Poem

I took a trip to the zoo,
To see a deer or kangaroo.
When I saw one hop about,
I asked it how it had got out.
It was jumping over walls,
good thing there were no waterfalls.
When it jumped way up high,
I thought it would land in the sky

Monkey see, and monkey do,
they were jumping around too.
We were screaming in delight.
Parents were yelling in their fright.
"Follow it!", someone said.
"It took my hat right off my head"
We ran around and chased him down.
We stopped when he was at a clown.

The clown was blowing up balloons,
while dancing to some funky tunes.
No one knew what to do.
We all just stared at the kangaroo,
He was dancing and I knew,
This is now my favorite zoo.

Friday, October 21, 2011

For a Stone Girl at Sanchi Analysis

Background Information on Gary Snyder:
- poor by the great depression 
- moved twice before age 7
- was bed-ridden for four months, learned to read and read more books than anyone his age.
- became interested in Native Americans
- only lived with his mother from 1942 (12)
- published first poems in a student journal.
- studied and has a degree in anthropology 
- involvement in environmental issues
- worked as a naturalist
- work reflects Buddhist spirituality 
- Sanchi is a location with Buddhist monuments.

For a Stone Girl at Sanchi. In Sanchi, there are figures of women carved from stone. These figures (Yakshi) represent fertility and the Indian image of feminine beauty. He could be writing this poem about finding his perfect woman. He could be interested in finding a perfect woman because his parents divorced when he was younger. If he had decided to have children he doesn't want them to go through that. He had a wife, but then had a divorce, and his second wife passed away from cancer. Gary and his first wife had two children. His second wife had 3 children from her past marriage. It's unknown if he fathered them, but given his circumstances, I think he would have taken on the role of being a father figure to them. He doesn't want them to go through his pain of not having a "full family" or of feelings of nonacceptance or non-approval.

He's sleeping on the grass outside in Sanchi, he can hear the rain falling on the trees around him. He's out in the night sky, on the spinning world. Comparing the world to the universe or space, it's tiny. Going by at the speed of light, the world isn't seen. To us, the world is huge, but if you look at the bigger picture, it's smaller than half a grain of sand.

"An old rock weathered funny" could represent the passing of time. The monuments in Sanchi are old and have damage done to the stone from rain and wind. "Old tree trunks turned stone", the tree trunks have been there for so long that it's almost as if they're stone and could pose difficult to remove or change.

"loving; two flesh persons changing, clung to, doorframes notions, spear-hafts in a rubble of years. touching,"
This is the love that he was dreaming for, that changes but lasts throughout the years. It is all about him being with his love forever. How it seems impossible to find someone to love if you look at the big picture, like with the Earth. If you look at the bigger picture of how many people are on Earth, it seems impossible to find that
one person you want to spend you life with. If you look by at the speed of light, the person will be a speck, like the Earth is to space. If you come a little closer, you can see that it's easier to find someone to be with, that it's not as challenging to be seen. Space is a big open place, and Earth is mostly invisible to stars and other objects around it. If you look closer though, Earth is a large thing to us.

In the end, he realizes that he already has this girl that he is imagining. He believes that the relationship they have will last forever. This poem was written around 1968, which means that he was married to his first wife, Masa Uehara. This first love he most likely thought would last forever(his dream "popping"). He could imagine Masa as the yakshi, as his perfect image of a woman and how his wife should be.

Soliloquy 1. Act 1. Sc. iii.

Macbeth: Two things the witches said are true.  ( that Macbeth owns Cawdor, and was thane of Glamis)  He is happy thinking of becoming the king. He thanks them for reassuring that he's thane of Cawdor.

Aside- talking to witches can't be bad, but can't be good if it's true.( he would have to kill the king to be king himself) Why have I been given success, if what they said is the truth. If it's the truth, why am I nervous to be king. The idea makes me crazy, and my heart beat abnormally fast and loud. My fears of being king are less frightening than the idea of killing him. Murdering him, is still a thought, it is not who I am. If I murder him I am not who I think I am.

Banquo: Macbeth is ecstatic he is now the thane if Cawdor.

Macbeth: If I become king, will it happen without me trying?

Banquo: New challenges and obligations are placed before him. It will be strange for him to accept them at first, but will he will become accustomed to the change after a while.

Macbeth: What ever happens I will accept the consequences. Things will happen even if there are challenges on the way.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Willow Tree

Feel the breeze blow my clothing as I run across the field to my treasured hideaway.

Staring contest with the jump. I hear the light whistling noise as the wind brushes through the leaves that hang low. Close to the trunk, I smell freshly cut grass and a familiar scent of changing leaves.

Place one hand on the cold rough branch as I attempt to climb up to the spot. In one hand I hold my book, either to write in, or to read. I stuff it in my black plaid coat, and set the hand that was occupied, on a higher branch that's just as cold. I make my way up the tree, smells of fall surround me. Almost if I could taste the pumpkin pie thanksgiving will soon offer me.

I look around, all I see is flowing green and lanky, but graceful brown. Just hanging there. Climbing further I reach my spot. Cuddle up against the hard trunk but sit comfortably, my legs hanging from the branch. I stop and listen to the cars go past knowing they can't see me, I'm hidden away where the birds nest. I hear them they sing freely and gingerly as they flutter by again, I'm unnoticed.

My legs dangle like the branches themselves, leaves floating down it as if they're trying to touch the ground beneath them. I breathe, I feel the stress leave my body, and I am calm. I let my muscles relax enough to keep me stable, but I feel at peace. I take my book out of my warm jacket and start writing whatever comes to greet my mind. The wind is gone up here, but the leaves still dance. Flight of many greens and a peak of the blue sky.

The air is calm and warm, the breeze was cool but now is not present. Leaves protect me from the world outside. Yet I still hear the cars go by, and the birds chirp away. The odd cicada humming its high pitched song. All is good. I breathe.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Eric Wright gives little hints about what is going to happen in the ending when the wife and husband are talking about the other woman on page 216. At this point you can realize that he was running through what he was going to do to her that night. He was asking what would work and get ideas about how it would work better. He was trying to get her to plan her own murder and plan how he won't get caught. This gives a clue about what is going to happen later on in the story because you can tell that when he is talking he is giving more detail. This means that what he is telling is coming from his own experience, not one of a make believe character.

"His wife often criticized his plots for being too complicated, but this one worked". The term in medias res can be applied to this opening statement because you need to read to the ending to understand what this means. It is a sentence that explains what happens in the story, but it is incomprehensible unless you know what happens in the ending.

The author used this technique effectively, it makes the reader wonder what is going on, and therefore, will read on. The reader will want to find out what plot worked, how it worked, and how were his other plots complicated. It also sets a type of mood for the story, it produces a mystery for what worked and how it is proven that it works. The reader will question what type of plot it is. This makes the author's technique effective in having the reader want to know more about the story.

 In the first part of the story the point of view is from the husband's perspective. It's all about his plot and how he is going to make this one work. In the second part of the story, it's the wife's point of view. This is partly because the husband was murdered by her, therefore; can not be from his perspective anymore. The first part of the short story is mostly dialogue, whereas; the second part of the story isn't any dialogue, it's informing you the full effect of his story's plot.

The author used the first style because he wanted you to get familiar with the male character and try to figure out that the wife already knows without being in the wife's perspective. This is effective because you can get the clues about halfway through the story that give you the idea that the husband's plot isn't a plot for a novel. The second style is from the wife's perspective this is where you see the wife follow through with the husband's plot. The reader understands that the wife knew all along and you get a new feel for the story. You could re-read the story it will be seen in a new light. You will be able to realise the clues leading up to the twist.

The author wants us to believe that the husband is going to murder the wife then follow through with his plan in making her death seem irrelevant to him. Instead, the author has the wife kill the husband and the wife uses her husband's plan to avoid getting caught by the police. The twist works because the reader just finds out that he's actually going to try to kill her. The author then shocks them with the fact that he lied and the wife killed him instead. This has the reader in a state where they aren't sure what just happened, when they get to the last sentence they realise what went on.

The twist isn't very realistic in the sense that if you found out your spouse is going to murder you, you probably wouldn't go to a deserted place with him/her. They could find another method of killing you other than what you had controlled. You would probably call the police and/or run away and look into getting a retraining order if he/she couldn't be arrested. You could also play it cool and just file for a divorce saying that you know about the other relationship and it's not fair to any of them to be cheating.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Rich for One Day

There are many things I would do if you gave me 100 billion dollars. First off, I would use some of the money to fix up this house, then give it away free to someone who has lost a house because of the tornado. I would then pay to rebuild people's houses in town so they have a safe place to live. I would also build the square back to it's original appearance and make sure everything damaged is replaced and restored. As for me and my family, I would buy a house in Florida for my parents because they love it there, and it makes them happy. I would buy a large house in France, Germany, and England so that I can travel to those places and learn a language or just have a little vacation from the cold in Canada. I would also buy my brother's a new big house in London so they can have a nicer house for when they're at school. For each of my brother's I will buy them their own houses and vehicles for when they're done school and want to start their families. While I'm at it, I'll buy my cousin's nice houses for their families as well.

I would buy my oldest brother, Anthony, a recording studio and all the instruments he desires. I would buy my second oldest brother, Michael, a skate park and any long boards and skateboards he wants. I would also buy land to build a zoo, because Michael and I love animals. For my youngest brother, Adam, I will buy him a ton of gaming systems, a giant screen TV for the maximum gaming experience and all the games he sets his eyes on. I will buy my whole family their own amazing quality laptops. I will make sure my dad doesn't have to install any more floors and hire tons of doctors to make it so that he isn't in pain all of the time. I will also buy him a gym and make him and my mom lose the pounds they've wanted to lose and to be healthier.

I will buy 2 planes so I can fly to my vacation spots without having to book flights and all that other nonsense. The second one will be for my parents so they can go to their house in Florida easier and faster. I would buy myself a recording studio so I can work on my singing. I will also buy instruments for myself and lessons to teach me how to play them (a few would be guitar, and piano). I would buy myself a dance studio and get an instructor so I can learn how to dance. I would also let my dancing friends learn for free. Last I would buy myself a professional grade camera so I can take the great photos I've dreamed of taking. I will travel the world on my plane and take many photos of the world's condition.

As for the world, I will not donate to charities. I will personally go to those poor countries, and cities, and pay to give them the clean water they deserve and the good health care they need. In places where there is no electronics, I will not give them electricity, because it is unneeded and I think they would be better off without knowing about all the celebrity stuff and drama, and conforming. I read about a place where they started to get television and the community started to suffer because all the people had to look like the people on TV. I think society would be better off without that "perfection" everyone feels they have to strive for.

I will try to help the world's medical field. I will make it so that anyone who needs medication to survive will get it with no cost. It's not fair to let someone die because they can't afford to buy some pills. I will also donate a bunch of money to doctors who work to cure diseases. They will have all the tools necessary to beat diseases so that curing a disease like cancer will be as easy as curing a cold today.

After I have finished taking care of the world, I will go around the world for another time to take photos of the condition after I have done my work, to see if what I've done had helped. If not, I will go out again and try to mend the broken world we have created.

I'm sure there is many other things I could do with this amount of money, and if I think of more, I will add them to this list. So far this list is pretty much what I wish for, unless I'm forgetting things, which I'm sure I have.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Lottery Ticket

In the beginning of this short story Ivan Dmitritch didn't believe in luck. He didn't know why his wife continued to buy lottery tickets. He has no faith that they would win so he ignores her about checking the newspaper for the winning numbers. When Ivan looked at the newspaper for the next ticket she bought he saw that they had the same series number. At this point Ivan seemed to finally have a little faith in his wife's choices. He has a moment of bliss surprise and shock at the idea that they could have won 75000.

He's disregarding his wife's pleads to check the ticket number because for the first time he believes there could be something more to his life. Ivan thinks that if they had all this money his life would be better, more at peace, and he is hoping that he that he has won all of that money so he can be what he thinks will be happy. Once he starts to realise its his wife's ticket and she will control what happens with it he gets worried. He quickly looks at the winning number and looks up at their life with a whole new perspective. Ivan becomes depressed because he realises he's not going to be able to escape, or stop working, or do all of the things he imagined he would do.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Leap

The writer makes us see the mother by describing the way she moves in the first paragraph of the story. The writer informs the reader that she is now blind, and says,
"She walks slowly through the house... She has never upset an object or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor. She has never lost her balance or bumped into a closet door left carelessly open."
From these few sentences, you can tell that she has either been blind for years and is used to finding her way without trouble, or that she's been living in this house for years and is accustomed to where everything is placed. You could think that if she's been living in the same house for years, if could mean that she's insecure about change. She has to have everything stay exactly where she wants it to be - "a closet door left carelessly open", the writer is saying this as if, any one little thing is not where it should be, it's bad and that the person who committed this is "careless".

The writer uses phrases such as, "Catlike precision" which makes me think she has a very good sense of place. With these in mind, I can picture the mother walking slowly through the house in a nightgown, almost angelically, wearing a soft focused face as if she's concentrating on where she's going, but not concentrated enough to make her seem tense or uncomfortable.

She is described as catlike, graceful, comfortable, matter-of-fact and one with the constant dark by the writer. I would describe her as daring, brave, loyal, and strong. She's daring and brave because she was seven months pregnant and still doing jumps from large heights. She's loyal because she did anything to get her child out from their burning house. Finally, she's strong because she deals with the the death of her husband, and daughter, and re-marries and has another child.

The narrator is the child of the person she's telling the story about. This perspective tells us about the mother in an obvious way, that she has a child. This perspective also shows that the mother is close to her child, therefore; you know that the mother is caring, loving, and is a good parental figure.

"The child, however, is buried around the corner, beyond this house and just down the highway. sometimes I used to walk there just to sit. She was a girl, but I rarely thought of her as a sister or even as a separate person really." Page 193, paragraph 1.
I have a brother that was born before me that was stillborn, and I would do almost the same thing. I remember walking with my friends and near my house is the cemetery, I walked over to see the grave. The cemetery is just across the highway, so I'm close, like the narrator is. That part of the short story reminds me of this moment in my life.


I am happy on this. I can't touch things where the end of me are. It is hard, and has things that rest where the end of me are when I'm not on this. There is a thing on one side of it that makes me stay up. It is blue, and the things resting are silver.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

All About Me, Erika.

She & Him is a band that I have been listening to for just a few months now. They have a different style that reminds me of vintage sort of music. The vintage style is great because it makes me think of teenagers just enjoying the day, taking photos with their friends in a park, or something of the sort. It's carefree times in the summer where you don't have to worry about working or school, or the time. I like this because I feel like I worry too much about everything, and this band takes me to another place where I can just let my worries fade for a few minutes.

I like watching the big bang theory because most of the characters are very smart. I wish I were as smart as those characters, and watch because I want to know how they socialize and how they interact with the surroundings. For instance, Sheldon, who is the smartest lacks the understanding of sarcasm and doesn't understand why people have the emotions they do. I feel as though I connect with him, not because of his intelligence, but because he seems awkward in social settings and I feel like I can be awkward in certain social situations. I like watching The Big Bang Theory because I feel like I can connect to how the characters socialize.

I like doing singing competitions because I like being able to learn new techniques and know if my singing is any good. I guess that's what competing is all about, determining who is a better singer, who people like seeing on stage more, and who is a better performer. Like what you were talking about in class, about male ego's, how a female could walk up to a male and say that they look attractive. So, in that way, repetitive competing is like a male ego, where you could win them all, and keep pretending that you know you're great, when really, you don't believe them. I like being in singing competitions because I like trying to achieve a higher level of appreciation of my singing. Almost like I'm striving for compliments by singing all the time.

It's not just about competing and looking for compliments though, I have been singing for ever since I can remember, and I enjoy it very much. I love to sing because it's something that I always can improve, and it's a way of communication that can be nice to listen to. I like to use singing as a way to bring joy to other people. If I work hard enough at it, I hope to make my parents proud of my voice and what I have achieved by just singing. Everyone can sing, but not all people have a voice that people want to listen to, that being said, if everyone just spoke to music, like rap, I don't think it would make as big of an impact as it does to sing it. Singing brings out a different part of me, and depending on the song, it could make me feel happier, angry, or even motivated for things. It can make me feel very powerful, or make me feel like another person.

I like acting. It, along with singing, makes me feel like a different person. I can pretend to be someone I'm not. I like that because most of the time, I'm not happy with myself, and it's kind of a way to escape myself for a while and see what it's like to be someone I'm not. It can also make me appreciate my life though, too. If I am playing a character that has problems in their life, it can make me realize that I don't actually have it so bad, and that others have problems too. I think most of my "problems" are that I'm worrying too much about everything. What people think of me, if they like how I dress, what if I'm not smart enough to do this, what happens if I raise my hand to answer something and I get it totally wrong. Acting is my way of becoming someone else, someone I feel is better than what I can be, that is why I like to act.

I think one of my strengths in school would be independent work. Last year in English I didn't have very many friends in my class; I either worked alone if I could or got placed with a random group. It was fine with me though, I enjoy doing some types of school work alone. It just seems more difficult if I have to try to get common knowledge and ideas out of the other person. However, if they give me tons of ideas and I have none, I feel like I'm not contributing and it's not fun for either of us. I just enjoy working alone; also, that way I can write and think at my own pace.

A weakness in school i have, would be getting homework done. I usually forget about what I have to do, it's not that I don't care, I just end up forgetting what happened in class. I like that you have all your notes of what we talked about in class on the blog. Then I can go there and remind myself of what I need to do. This year I plan to try to remember what I have to do that night, or week, and get it done. Especially for projects, because I would put them off until the nights before it's due and get stressed because I can't finish it fast enough. I don't want to go through that stress this year, so I'm going to work on my homework skills.

I've been trying to think of the mark that I need, and to be honest. I don't know what mark I need. I know that I need a passing mark, but to which extent; I have no idea. I know what mark I would like, that would be around an 85% or higher. I think in English last year I got an 82%, a few marks had brought the average down. I hope to get the same or better in this course this year. I will achieve this mark by doing my homework (as explained above), asking questions if I don't understand a concept, and I will try to answer more questions in class. I think those are some of my low points in school, so I will work on those to try to bring up my mark.