There are many things I would do if you gave me 100 billion dollars. First off, I would use some of the money to fix up this house, then give it away free to someone who has lost a house because of the tornado. I would then pay to rebuild people's houses in town so they have a safe place to live. I would also build the square back to it's original appearance and make sure everything damaged is replaced and restored. As for me and my family, I would buy a house in Florida for my parents because they love it there, and it makes them happy. I would buy a large house in France, Germany, and England so that I can travel to those places and learn a language or just have a little vacation from the cold in Canada. I would also buy my brother's a new big house in London so they can have a nicer house for when they're at school. For each of my brother's I will buy them their own houses and vehicles for when they're done school and want to start their families. While I'm at it, I'll buy my cousin's nice houses for their families as well.

I would buy my oldest brother, Anthony, a recording studio and all the instruments he desires. I would buy my second oldest brother, Michael, a skate park and any long boards and skateboards he wants. I would also buy land to build a zoo, because Michael and I love animals. For my youngest brother, Adam, I will buy him a ton of gaming systems, a giant screen TV for the maximum gaming experience and all the games he sets his eyes on. I will buy my whole family their own amazing quality laptops. I will make sure my dad doesn't have to install any more floors and hire tons of doctors to make it so that he isn't in pain all of the time. I will also buy him a gym and make him and my mom lose the pounds they've wanted to lose and to be healthier.

As for the world, I will not donate to charities. I will personally go to those poor countries, and cities, and pay to give them the clean water they deserve and the good health care they need. In places where there is no electronics, I will not give them electricity, because it is unneeded and I think they would be better off without knowing about all the celebrity stuff and drama, and conforming. I read about a place where they started to get television and the community started to suffer because all the people had to look like the people on TV. I think society would be better off without that "perfection" everyone feels they have to strive for.
I will try to help the world's medical field. I will make it so that anyone who needs medication to survive will get it with no cost. It's not fair to let someone die because they can't afford to buy some pills. I will also donate a bunch of money to doctors who work to cure diseases. They will have all the tools necessary to beat diseases so that curing a disease like cancer will be as easy as curing a cold today.
After I have finished taking care of the world, I will go around the world for another time to take photos of the condition after I have done my work, to see if what I've done had helped. If not, I will go out again and try to mend the broken world we have created.
I'm sure there is many other things I could do with this amount of money, and if I think of more, I will add them to this list. So far this list is pretty much what I wish for, unless I'm forgetting things, which I'm sure I have.
Good choices, well described and thought out.