Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Trip to The Zoo - A Child's Poem
I took a trip to the zoo,
To see a deer or kangaroo.
When I saw one hop about,
I asked it how it had got out.
It was jumping over walls,
good thing there were no waterfalls.
When it jumped way up high,
I thought it would land in the sky
Monkey see, and monkey do,
they were jumping around too.
We were screaming in delight.
Parents were yelling in their fright.
"Follow it!", someone said.
"It took my hat right off my head"
We ran around and chased him down.
We stopped when he was at a clown.
The clown was blowing up balloons,
while dancing to some funky tunes.
No one knew what to do.
We all just stared at the kangaroo,
He was dancing and I knew,
This is now my favorite zoo.
Friday, October 21, 2011
For a Stone Girl at Sanchi Analysis
Background Information on Gary Snyder:
- poor by the great depression
- poor by the great depression
- was bed-ridden for four months, learned to read and read more books than anyone his age.
- became interested in Native Americans
- only lived with his mother from 1942 (12)
- published first poems in a student journal.
- studied and has a degree in anthropology
- involvement in environmental issues
- worked as a naturalist
- work reflects Buddhist spirituality
- Sanchi is a location with Buddhist monuments.
For a Stone Girl at Sanchi. In Sanchi, there are figures of women carved from stone. These figures (Yakshi) represent fertility and the Indian image of feminine beauty. He could be writing this poem about finding his perfect woman. He could be interested in finding a perfect woman because his parents divorced when he was younger. If he had decided to have children he doesn't want them to go through that. He had a wife, but then had a divorce, and his second wife passed away from cancer. Gary and his first wife had two children. His second wife had 3 children from her past marriage. It's unknown if he fathered them, but given his circumstances, I think he would have taken on the role of being a father figure to them. He doesn't want them to go through his pain of not having a "full family" or of feelings of nonacceptance or non-approval.
"An old rock weathered funny" could represent the passing of time. The monuments in Sanchi are old and have damage done to the stone from rain and wind. "Old tree trunks turned stone", the tree trunks have been there for so long that it's almost as if they're stone and could pose difficult to remove or change.
"loving; two flesh persons changing, clung to, doorframes notions, spear-hafts in a rubble of years. touching,"

one person you want to spend you life with. If you look by at the speed of light, the person will be a speck, like the Earth is to space. If you come a little closer, you can see that it's easier to find someone to be with, that it's not as challenging to be seen. Space is a big open place, and Earth is mostly invisible to stars and other objects around it. If you look closer though, Earth is a large thing to us.
In the end, he realizes that he already has this girl that he is imagining. He believes that the relationship they have will last forever. This poem was written around 1968, which means that he was married to his first wife, Masa Uehara. This first love he most likely thought would last forever(his dream "popping"). He could imagine Masa as the yakshi, as his perfect image of a woman and how his wife should be.
Soliloquy 1. Act 1. Sc. iii.
Macbeth: Two things the witches said are true. ( that Macbeth owns Cawdor, and was thane of Glamis) He is happy thinking of becoming the king. He thanks them for reassuring that he's thane of Cawdor.
Aside- talking to witches can't be bad, but can't be good if it's true.( he would have to kill the king to be king himself) Why have I been given success, if what they said is the truth. If it's the truth, why am I nervous to be king. The idea makes me crazy, and my heart beat abnormally fast and loud. My fears of being king are less frightening than the idea of killing him. Murdering him, is still a thought, it is not who I am. If I murder him I am not who I think I am.
Banquo: Macbeth is ecstatic he is now the thane if Cawdor.
Macbeth: If I become king, will it happen without me trying?
Banquo: New challenges and obligations are placed before him. It will be strange for him to accept them at first, but will he will become accustomed to the change after a while.
Macbeth: What ever happens I will accept the consequences. Things will happen even if there are challenges on the way.
Aside- talking to witches can't be bad, but can't be good if it's true.( he would have to kill the king to be king himself) Why have I been given success, if what they said is the truth. If it's the truth, why am I nervous to be king. The idea makes me crazy, and my heart beat abnormally fast and loud. My fears of being king are less frightening than the idea of killing him. Murdering him, is still a thought, it is not who I am. If I murder him I am not who I think I am.
Banquo: Macbeth is ecstatic he is now the thane if Cawdor.
Macbeth: If I become king, will it happen without me trying?
Banquo: New challenges and obligations are placed before him. It will be strange for him to accept them at first, but will he will become accustomed to the change after a while.
Macbeth: What ever happens I will accept the consequences. Things will happen even if there are challenges on the way.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Willow Tree
Feel the breeze blow my clothing as I run across the field to my treasured hideaway.
Staring contest with the jump. I hear the light whistling noise as the wind brushes through the leaves that hang low. Close to the trunk, I smell freshly cut grass and a familiar scent of changing leaves.
Place one hand on the cold rough branch as I attempt to climb up to the spot. In one hand I hold my book, either to write in, or to read. I stuff it in my black plaid coat, and set the hand that was occupied, on a higher branch that's just as cold. I make my way up the tree, smells of fall surround me. Almost if I could taste the pumpkin pie thanksgiving will soon offer me.
I look around, all I see is flowing green and lanky, but graceful brown. Just hanging there. Climbing further I reach my spot. Cuddle up against the hard trunk but sit comfortably, my legs hanging from the branch. I stop and listen to the cars go past knowing they can't see me, I'm hidden away where the birds nest. I hear them they sing freely and gingerly as they flutter by again, I'm unnoticed.
My legs dangle like the branches themselves, leaves floating down it as if they're trying to touch the ground beneath them. I breathe, I feel the stress leave my body, and I am calm. I let my muscles relax enough to keep me stable, but I feel at peace. I take my book out of my warm jacket and start writing whatever comes to greet my mind. The wind is gone up here, but the leaves still dance. Flight of many greens and a peak of the blue sky.

The air is calm and warm, the breeze was cool but now is not present. Leaves protect me from the world outside. Yet I still hear the cars go by, and the birds chirp away. The odd cicada humming its high pitched song. All is good. I breathe.
Place one hand on the cold rough branch as I attempt to climb up to the spot. In one hand I hold my book, either to write in, or to read. I stuff it in my black plaid coat, and set the hand that was occupied, on a higher branch that's just as cold. I make my way up the tree, smells of fall surround me. Almost if I could taste the pumpkin pie thanksgiving will soon offer me.
My legs dangle like the branches themselves, leaves floating down it as if they're trying to touch the ground beneath them. I breathe, I feel the stress leave my body, and I am calm. I let my muscles relax enough to keep me stable, but I feel at peace. I take my book out of my warm jacket and start writing whatever comes to greet my mind. The wind is gone up here, but the leaves still dance. Flight of many greens and a peak of the blue sky.
The air is calm and warm, the breeze was cool but now is not present. Leaves protect me from the world outside. Yet I still hear the cars go by, and the birds chirp away. The odd cicada humming its high pitched song. All is good. I breathe.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Eric Wright gives little hints about what is going to happen in the ending when the wife and husband are talking about the other woman on page 216. At this point you can realize that he was running through what he was going to do to her that night. He was asking what would work and get ideas about how it would work better. He was trying to get her to plan her own murder and plan how he won't get caught. This gives a clue about what is going to happen later on in the story because you can tell that when he is talking he is giving more detail. This means that what he is telling is coming from his own experience, not one of a make believe character.
The author used this technique effectively, it makes the reader wonder what is going on, and therefore, will read on. The reader will want to find out what plot worked, how it worked, and how were his other plots complicated. It also sets a type of mood for the story, it produces a mystery for what worked and how it is proven that it works. The reader will question what type of plot it is. This makes the author's technique effective in having the reader want to know more about the story.
In the first part of the story the point of view is from the husband's perspective. It's all about his plot and how he is going to make this one work. In the second part of the story, it's the wife's point of view. This is partly because the husband was murdered by her, therefore; can not be from his perspective anymore. The first part of the short story is mostly dialogue, whereas; the second part of the story isn't any dialogue, it's informing you the full effect of his story's plot.
The author used the first style because he wanted you to get familiar with the male character and try to figure out that the wife already knows without being in the wife's perspective. This is effective because you can get the clues about halfway through the story that give you the idea that the husband's plot isn't a plot for a novel. The second style is from the wife's perspective this is where you see the wife follow through with the husband's plot. The reader understands that the wife knew all along and you get a new feel for the story. You could re-read the story it will be seen in a new light. You will be able to realise the clues leading up to the twist.
The author wants us to believe that the husband is going to murder the wife then follow through with his plan in making her death seem irrelevant to him. Instead, the author has the wife kill the husband and the wife uses her husband's plan to avoid getting caught by the police. The twist works because the reader just finds out that he's actually going to try to kill her. The author then shocks them with the fact that he lied and the wife killed him instead. This has the reader in a state where they aren't sure what just happened, when they get to the last sentence they realise what went on.
The twist isn't very realistic in the sense that if you found out your spouse is going to murder you, you probably wouldn't go to a deserted place with him/her. They could find another method of killing you other than what you had controlled. You would probably call the police and/or run away and look into getting a retraining order if he/she couldn't be arrested. You could also play it cool and just file for a divorce saying that you know about the other relationship and it's not fair to any of them to be cheating.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Rich for One Day
There are many things I would do if you gave me 100 billion dollars. First off, I would use some of the money to fix up this house, then give it away free to someone who has lost a house because of the tornado. I would then pay to rebuild people's houses in town so they have a safe place to live. I would also build the square back to it's original appearance and make sure everything damaged is replaced and restored. As for me and my family, I would buy a house in Florida for my parents because they love it there, and it makes them happy. I would buy a large house in France, Germany, and England so that I can travel to those places and learn a language or just have a little vacation from the cold in Canada. I would also buy my brother's a new big house in London so they can have a nicer house for when they're at school. For each of my brother's I will buy them their own houses and vehicles for when they're done school and want to start their families. While I'm at it, I'll buy my cousin's nice houses for their families as well.

I would buy my oldest brother, Anthony, a recording studio and all the instruments he desires. I would buy my second oldest brother, Michael, a skate park and any long boards and skateboards he wants. I would also buy land to build a zoo, because Michael and I love animals. For my youngest brother, Adam, I will buy him a ton of gaming systems, a giant screen TV for the maximum gaming experience and all the games he sets his eyes on. I will buy my whole family their own amazing quality laptops. I will make sure my dad doesn't have to install any more floors and hire tons of doctors to make it so that he isn't in pain all of the time. I will also buy him a gym and make him and my mom lose the pounds they've wanted to lose and to be healthier.

As for the world, I will not donate to charities. I will personally go to those poor countries, and cities, and pay to give them the clean water they deserve and the good health care they need. In places where there is no electronics, I will not give them electricity, because it is unneeded and I think they would be better off without knowing about all the celebrity stuff and drama, and conforming. I read about a place where they started to get television and the community started to suffer because all the people had to look like the people on TV. I think society would be better off without that "perfection" everyone feels they have to strive for.
I will try to help the world's medical field. I will make it so that anyone who needs medication to survive will get it with no cost. It's not fair to let someone die because they can't afford to buy some pills. I will also donate a bunch of money to doctors who work to cure diseases. They will have all the tools necessary to beat diseases so that curing a disease like cancer will be as easy as curing a cold today.
After I have finished taking care of the world, I will go around the world for another time to take photos of the condition after I have done my work, to see if what I've done had helped. If not, I will go out again and try to mend the broken world we have created.
I'm sure there is many other things I could do with this amount of money, and if I think of more, I will add them to this list. So far this list is pretty much what I wish for, unless I'm forgetting things, which I'm sure I have.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Lottery Ticket

He's disregarding his wife's pleads to check the ticket number because for the first time he believes there could be something more to his life. Ivan thinks that if they had all this money his life would be better, more at peace, and he is hoping that he that he has won all of that money so he can be what he thinks will be happy. Once he starts to realise its his wife's ticket and she will control what happens with it he gets worried. He quickly looks at the winning number and looks up at their life with a whole new perspective. Ivan becomes depressed because he realises he's not going to be able to escape, or stop working, or do all of the things he imagined he would do.

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